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A booking fee of £50 is payable in advance to secure your stylist.


Trials will be paid for 24 hours before the trial date via bank transfer. 


A deposit £50 of  is payable  1 week after the trial, once you know you are happy with the service this will be deducted from the final amount payable for the wedding day. 


The remaining balance is payable 4 week before the wedding or 48 hours after the trial if the booking is closer to the wedding date. 


If you change your mind for any reason deposits are fully refundable up to 4  weeks before your wedding.


Trial cancellations made less than 7 days before the agreed date are chargeable at 50% of the trial price.


Booking fees are non refundable upon cancellation.  


Failure or delay to make payments in the time frames stated above may result in the loss of booking with all previous payments made, retained.

All payments are final.  


If you require a second trial, full trial rate will apply. 


The price list agreed at the time of booking is final therefore any increases to our price list will not affect your agreed rate. This includes adding further services onto your booking


The trial and wedding day balance is payable via bank transfer, cheques are not excepted



Travel expenses may apply depending on the location of you and your stylist.

Travel is charged at £0.50p per mile after 10 miles from CM23, plus congestion charge and parking if applicable.


If you are having a destination wedding and are getting married abroad our stylists can travel to you.


Please contact us for an accurate quote and to check for stylist availability.


The Wedding Hair Stylists & The Bridal Makeup Artists is representing a team of carefully selected freelance hair stylists and makeup artists. The Wedding Hair Stylists & The Bridal Makeup Artists will manage the booking process. Our stylists/artist are freelance and are not directly employed by The Wedding Hair Stylists. All stylists have their own insurance. 



Postponements due to Covid-19 

If you need to postpone your wedding we shall make sure that where possible you keep the same Wedding Hair Stylists and/or Bridal Make-Up Artist. If however they are already booed on your new date we shall find you a replacement Stylist/Artist. This may mean you would want another trail, if so there would a charge for this.

Changes to bookings


Availability and your quote is based on the booking size and requirements to hand together with the location and timings stated on your confirmation. Notification should be given of any changes to the booking and trial as soon as possible.


We aim to accommodate any changes that may occur however if these changes affect your stylists availability, we may be required to allocate a different stylist. Further trials will be charged in full if required. If another stylist cannot be found, we reserve the right to cancel the booking. The booking fee and any trial money paid, will be retained. 


Changes in locations may incur further travel charges. 


Smoking whilst a stylist is working is not permitted.

Stylists reserve the right to refuse to work if a client is rude or aggressive. In this case we reserve the right to cancel the booking and retain all monies paid. 

In the unlikely event that your stylist is unable to attend the wedding booking due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, all efforts will be made to find a suitable replacement or all monies paid will be returned.


 Photography & Use of Photos. The client agrees that the company may use any photography for publicity purposes which include but are not limited to the makeup artists website and social media pages.



Last updated 01/10/20

The following will be updated as and when government guidelines change. 


It is of paramount importance to us that any client and stylist associated with our company stay safe during this time. Therefore we have created the following policies which are in line with government advice and guidance, to reduce the risk to both clients and stylists of contracting Coronavirus (COVID-19) whilst receiving services from/performing services for The Bridal Stylists.

As part of our terms of business, this policy should be followed by all stylists, clients and members of the wedding party, including all people present at the booking location. In the instance that all or some of the above mentioned individuals refuse to follow this policy, we reserve the right to terminate the contract with all monies paid being retained to cover losses incurred. 



OUR responsibilities as a company to keep YOU safe whilst providing services during the COVID-19 pandemic - (section 1)


When providing close contact services, the nature of the work is such that maintaining social distancing will not be possible when actively serving a client. In these circumstances our stylists should do everything they reasonably can to reduce risk. Mitigating actions include:


1.1. Confirming the absence of high temperature/fever of themselves and of the individual, which may include taking the client’s temperature using a touch-free thermometer, before providing the service. 


1.2. Stylists are to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of a protective visor as a recommended requirement by the government, with the following items of PPE being used in addition to a visor at the stylist’s discretion:


  • An additional face covering such as a mask (recommended when applying makeup)

  • Gloves

  • An apron or gown


Disposable PPE is to be disposed of into a waste container with a lid/sealable plastic bag, after each individual client's service has been completed. 


Reusable PPE is not to be taken off for the duration of the booking and must be sanitised prior to each new booking. If an apron or gown is not worn during a booking then the upper garments should be changed once the booking has been completed and before their next booking commences.


1.3. Stylists will ensure that they thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water at the following points as a minimum:


  • Leaving the home address.

  • On arrival at the booking.

  • Before and after using the toilet.

  • Before commencing the service

  • Before putting on PPE.

  • After touching the face with bare hands.

  • After removing PPE.

  • Where it is not practical or possible to wash hands, the stylist shall instead use a hand sanitiser, containing a minimum of 70% alcohol


1.4. Stylists will frequently clean all items in use, including their work station, between each individual client. This may require the original timings of the booking to be extended to allow additional time for cleaning. 


Mandatory cleaning practices include, but are not limited to:


  • Using a separate set of makeup brushes on each individual client, placing them into a sealed plastic bag until they can be sanitised at home using an appropriate antiviral cleaning fluid.

  • Using disposable makeup tools where possible.

  • Spatulating makeup products onto a fully sanitised/disposable palette or using a fresh brush for each application in order to reduce the risk of cross-contamination through “double dipping”.

  • Using disposable wipes and towels.

  • Using one set of hair tools (for example but not limited to, brushes and combs) on each individual client, then placing them into a sealed plastic bag until they can be cleaned using an appropriate antiviral cleaning fluid.

  • Using spray or pump products where possible in order to reduce the risk of cross-contamination through “double dipping”.

  • Minimising the use of hair dryers wherever possible.

  • Cleaning heated styling tools between each individual client using an appropriate antiviral cleaning fluid.


1.5. It may not be possible for a stylist to provide their own table and chair when on location. In these cases, stylists will provide protective coverings for the work stations which shall be provided by the client. All disposable coverings will be changed between each client and disposed of as above. Non-disposable coverings are to be changed in between each client and placed in a sealed bag until they can be sanitised after completion of the booking. 


1.6. Stylists will provide clients access to tissues and inform them that if they do need to cough or sneeze, they should do so into the tissue, which should then be discarded appropriately and that they should wash their hands thoroughly or use hand sanitiser after using a tissue. 


1.7. Stylists will avoid touching any personal items including their mobile phone whilst providing the service where possible and will sanitise their hands immediately after use if touching personal items can not be avoided. Only vital personal items will be brought with them into the booking. 


1.8. In the instance that a stylist believes that they may have become infected with Coronavirus, or is informed that someone with whom they have been in contact in the past 14 days has/may have become infected with Coronavirus, they shall:



  • Follow the advice of the NHS and government, which is currently:
-Stay at home for 7 days from the 1st date of symptoms.
-Stay at home for 14 days from the 1st date of symptoms of a person
who lives at the same home address as the stylist.

  • Make contact via phone call, text message or email with everyone whom
the stylist has been in contact within the past 14 days, to inform them
that they should also follow the advice above.


1.9. Ventilation plays a huge part in preventing the spread of COVID-19, therefore stylists shall open as many doors and windows as possible to increase ventilation in the room where they are providing the services. 


1.10. Stylists shall keep eating and drinking to a minimum during the duration of the booking and only consume where absolutely necessary. 



YOUR responsibilities as a client to keep YOUR STYLIST safe whilst providing services during the

COVID-19 pandemic - (section 2)


2.1. Clients must provide a separate room for the stylist to work in which is away from other individuals not currently receiving the provided service. This room must have good ventilation and a suitable workstation and/or chair(s), cleared of clients’ personal belongings or other items. Only the individual client currently receiving services is permitted to enter the room at one time. If it is not possible to provide a separate room, an alternative space, large enough to keep generous social distancing measures of at least 2 metres around the stylist and work station at all times, must be provided.


2.2. Clients must wear a face covering at all times when in the vicinity of the stylist unless the stylist requests otherwise. The face covering should only be removed upon instruction of the stylist as and when required to complete the service being provided and once removed, the client and stylist will refrain from speaking unless absolutely necessary. Each individual client shall bring their own face covering; however the stylist will have spare disposable face coverings should they be required.


2.3. Clients must avoid touching their face or personal belongings whilst the service is being provided and where this is not possible, hand sanitiser is to be used immediately after. 


2.4. Clients must and only spend the minimum amount of time possible, which is necessary for the service to be provided, within 2 metres of the stylist and refrain from touching the stylist.


2.5. If a client needs to sneeze or cough, they should do so into a tissue, which should then be discarded appropriately, immediately followed by thorough hand washing or use of hand sanitiser.


2.6. Clients will ensure that they thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water at the following points as a minimum


  • Before leaving the home address.

  • On arrival at the booking.

  • Before and after using the toilet.

  • Before commencement of the service.

  • Before putting on gloves and/or any other personal protective
equipment (PPE).

  • After touching the face with bare hands.

  • After removing PPE.

  • After provision of the service has been completed.
Where it is not practicable or possible to wash hands, the individual client shall instead use a hand sanitiser, containing a minimum of 70% alcohol, and apply fastidiously to all areas of the hands.


2.7. Clients must remain vigilant for symptoms of Coronavirus and be completely transparent and honest with their stylist. In the instance that the client and/or any of the persons present at the booking, believes they may have been infected with Coronavirus, or is informed that someone with whom they have been in contact in the past 14 days has or may have become infected with Coronavirus, they shall inform their stylist as soon as possible. The same applies for the 14 days that follow the booking. 


2.8. Clients must comply with all instructions given to them by the stylist in relation to where to walk, stand and sit during provision of the service and agree to the doors and windows remaining open for ventilation during the entirety of the booking. 


2.9. Clients shall not eat or drink during the provision of the service, except for water from a bottle, which they will keep in their possession.


General administrative actions 

(section 3)


It is at the company’s discretion as to whether service can be provided. 


3.1. Your stylist will contact you 12-24 hours prior to the booking to confirm that neither they nor any members of their household, and you and any persons due to be present at the booking, nor any members of their household, have shown symptoms of Coronavirus in the past 14 days and that all parties have not knowingly had contact with anyone who has shown symptoms or been confirmed as having contracted Coronavirus in the past 14 days. 


3.2.Reasons for not being able to carry out services on the day and/or for the client/party member not to attend the booking location include, but are not limited to:


-If the client/member of the party has been advised to be shielding.

-If the client/member of the party has been found to be untruthful in confirming whether they have recently contracted/shown symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has contracted/shown symptoms who has when asked prior to or on the booking. 

-If the client/member of the party or any person present is deemed by a stylist to be showing symptoms on the day of the booking.


3.4. Where the circumstances above come to the attention of a stylist in advance of the booking, the stylist shall contact the client to discuss the matter and attempt to find a workable solution. If one cannot be found the stylist may, at their discretion, refuse to allow the client/member of the party to attend the booking, and any fees paid/due may be retained at the discretion of the company.


3.5. Where the circumstances in this section come to the attention of a stylist on the day of the booking, the stylist shall not be able to continue with provision of the service within the booking and any fees paid/due will be retained. Stylists may either not attend or immediately leave the venue where the booking is taking place, or request that the client/member of the party leaves immediately. The company expects a level of honesty and integrity from the client(s)/members of the party.


3.6. If your stylist and/or their assistants/team members have contracted COVID-19, shown symptoms of or anyone in their household, or know that someone who they have come into contact with has contracted/shown symptoms of COVID-19 within the 14 days prior to or after the booking, they will inform the client immediately and if necessary, a suitable replacement will be arranged. In the unlikely event that a suitable replacement cannot be arranged, all monies paid for the services in which the client or party would have received from the infected person will be refunded. 


3.7. Symptoms of Coronavirus including but not limited to:


  • High temperature – feeling hot to touch on the chest or back.

  • New/Persistent/Dry cough - coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more
coughing episodes in 24 hours.

  • Shortness of breath.

  • Extreme exhaustion.

  • Diarrhoea and vomiting.

  • Muscle pain.

  • Loss of sense of smell and/or taste, or things smell or taste different to normal.
(Although it is accepted that sometimes there are no symptoms present in an infected person)


©2020 by The Wedding Hair Stylists. Proudly created with

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